May 16th, 2017
USTA Florida’s 2nd Development Camp for Diverse Backgrounds a Success
USTA Florida hosted its second Development Camp for Diverse Backgrounds in 2017 at the University of Florida. Thirty-one players from different parts of the state attended the one-day camp on April 29.
The camp focused on providing tools to junior players age 12-18 who currently participate in USTA tournaments and want to improve their game, learn about college scholarships and physical training and nutrition.
“An unbelievable day of incredible tennis, camaraderie, learning and fun. We had incredible kids, incredible coaches, incredible facility at the University of Florida, a great day,” said the Camp Director Scott Williams.
USTA Florida will be hosting its first Camp for Diverse Backgrounds at the new home of American tennis, the USTA National Campus in Lake Nona, on Sept. 23, 2017 and its fourth and final of the year at the Three Oaks Tennis Center on Nov. 11.
“Having more than one development camp allows us to impact more players across the state,” says USTA Florida Player Development Coordinator Andy Gladstone. “This not only helps them individually, but the sport as a whole as they will share with their experiences with other players in their communities.”
The cost for the one-day camp is $50. The fee includes drills, match play, a camp t-shirt, classroom improvement sessions for parents and players, and lunch. Entries for the camp close on Oct. 26.
Click here to register or learn more about other upcoming Development Camps for Diverse Backgrounds or contact Andy Gladstone at