National Junior Tennis and Learning Chapters have been providing tennis and education programs for under-resourced youth since 1969. We are here to help with getting you to the resources for getting started, training and curricula, grant assistance, and more.

Getting Started
The National Junior Tennis and Learning network features more than 250 nonprofit youth development organizations that offer free or low-cost tennis and education programming to over 160,000 under-resourced youth each year. Interested in enrolling as a new NJTL chapter or have questions about joining the NTJL network? Click the button below to contact the USTA Foundation to get started!
As a registered NJTL chapter, USTA will provide access to regional and online training with updated education resources. Click below to explore training options.
Regional Training
Tennis is always evolving. Regional training session help providers stay on top of new and creative ways to continuing to make tennis an exciting and fun part of your program.
The USTA Foundation hosts free webinars on various topics to help you grow your NJTL Chapter and strengthen your capacity to provide exciting opportunities to your participants.
The Lab
“The Lab” by Net Generation is a performance-focused content series where tennis coaches of every level have the opportunity to learn from the very best.
In need of some support for your National Junior and Tennis Learning Chapter? Curricula is available to help provide a program that is engaging, teach critical life skills, and help build a love of tennis.
A.C.E. Curriculum
Academic Creative Engagement (A.C.E.) and its STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Math) component is an out-of-school academic curriculum connected to 21st Century Skills, Common Core State and National Standards and the sport of tennis. It is a proven strategy for improving kids’ attitudes and behaviors toward learning geometry and literacy.
Life Skills
We help you teach critical life skills, values, and experiences your participants need to become responsible and successful citizens that will empower them and let them soar into the future!
Tennis & Education Toolkit
Like Arthur Ashe, you may want to “use tennis to teach the game of life.” Structuring an organization can be a great way to inspire an interest in tennis and improve the quality of life for children and adults through exercise and fitness. While starting an organization sounds huge, these resources will help you.