February 2nd, 2018

S.L. Price, USTA National Campus on Latest ‘Inside Tennis with The Koz’

General News Junior Tournaments Adult Tennis News Youth Tennis News

The latest episode of “Inside Tennis with The Koz” will air on Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018 at 12:30 p.m. on SNN TV in Florida, but you can get a sneak peek below.

The program will feature the 2018 USTA National Boys & Girls 16 & 18 Championships at the USTA National Campus in the Lake Nona region of Orlando.

The 30-minute show also features the 2018 NJSIAA New Jersey High School Tennis Coaches Clinic at Princeton University, and a segment on the Laurel Oak Country Club Holiday Junior Tennis Tournament.

Award-winning sports journalist and Sports Illustrated senior writer S.L. “Scott” Price also shares his experiences interviewing basketball superstar Michael Jordan, presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, playing basketball with President Barack Obama, and his “The Lone Wolf” accounting of tennis legend Pancho Gonzales.

To view the show click below:
