Nicole was introduced to tennis in middle school and has had a love for the sport ever since. A native Floridian, she attended Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Fl earning her Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Psychology. Nicole was a flight attendant based out of Atlanta for several years before going into Inflight Management. She also has a passion for volunteering and served as a Guardian ad Litem for Hillsborough County. When a family need called her back to Ocala recently, she was excited to jump back into tennis and start playing in leagues. Beyond tennis, Nicole enjoys travelling, trying new local restaurants, getting into mischief with her Nana, and trying to keep up with her rescue doberman, Rafa.

Nicole Millsaps
Adult Local Play Coordinator (Marion & Alachua)
Departments: Adult Tennis
Programs Served: Adult Tennis
Counties: Alachua, Marion
Contact Information