USTA Florida is dedicated to supporting, elevating and attracting diverse women to all aspects of the tennis industry in Florida. 

Learn more about our efforts to INSPIRE, RECRUIT and increase REPRESENTATION of women in all aspects of tennis.


As part of our commitment to being a model DEI organization, we asked experts in research to help review the landscape for women in tennis and provide recommendations on our efforts.  We chose Clarity Writing and Research for their experience in this area AND their insights as women leaders.  They dug into the many pieces of information available today, and challenged us to look critically at our work.  Learn more about them in the tabs below

The research tells us that, from a global perspective, women continue to trail behind men in sports and leadership roles – and Florida is feeling that acutely in participation, coaching and leadership.  While we have a lot of resources available today, we need to do more to foster gender equity across the board.

USTA Florida (USTA FL) sought help from Clarity Writing and Research (Clarity) to gain insights into the current state of women and girls in tennis and to consider ways USTA Florida’s Women in Tennis (WiT) initiative can advance gender equity in tennis. To accomplish this, Clarity did contextual research, reviewed extant data from internal and external sources, and compiled a selection of relevant best and promising practices for equity work.

This report is structured into three sections:

Section 1 provides a contextual description of data and recent trends in tennis participation, youth sports, and the experience of women and girls as sports players, coaches, and leaders.

Section 2 focuses in on Florida and includes both extant data on tennis in Florida and a detailed description of USTA Florida’s Women in Tennis initiative and the activities and supports it provides.

Section 3 presents targeted conclusions and specific recommendations for how USTA Florida can put this research to work.

Following the research findings, USTA Florida is expanding our Women in Tennis initiative to do more of what we know works, and get even more laser focused on our mission in this space.  We’re also providing better resources and peer support for our partners here in Florida to join us in this work.  Check out the release for more details on the initiative, and reach out to get involved!


Pillars of Focus

To support, elevate and attract diverse women to all aspects of the tennis industry in Florida.  

If you are a woman who wants to coach, our USTA Florida community coach program will offer in-person and online training and mentorship. Register for an upcoming session today.

Learn More On Community Coach

Hosting an all-female event? Let us know and we can add it to our calendar! 

Submit Your Event

Video Features

Ep 101 - The Landscape and Evolution of Women in Tennis

Here to Serve: Billie Jean King Cup & All-Girls Camp

Here to Serve: Women in Tennis Initiative

Celebrating Women's History Month: Trish Faulkner

Kathy Rinaldi: Opening the Door for other Women

Bonnie Kelly: Working Women's Leagues

Allegra Campos: Running Successful Women's Tournaments

Stacey Allaster: Women Working in the Tennis Industry

Suzi Emerson, Coordinator of Pink Ribbon Tennis Tournament

Social Media: Women in Tennis

